An exquisite cashmere , merino wool and yak shawl designed and handwoven in Terrassa (Barcelona) The special Arquinesia + Teixidors set includes a scented Atalanta ceramic piece, two travel-size bottles of Secret Garden and a Baatsa shawl made from merino wool and cashmere. The special Arquinesia + Teixidors set includes a scented Atalanta ceramic piece, two travel-size bottles of Secret Garden and a Baatsa shawl made from merino wool and cashmere. A Nomad throw in pale rose color, made from merino wool and yak, resting on a chair. A Nomad throw rose pale colour in merino wool and yak A Nomad throw in copper color, made from merino wool and yak, resting on a chair. A Nomad throw in grey color, made from merino wool and yak, resting on a sofa

The touch of nature

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Handwoven in Terrassa
Since 1983

Each piece of Teixidors cloth palpably embodies our respect for nature, culture and craftsmanship. Forty years ago, our vocation for traditional craftsmanship, social engagement and innovation drove our decision to build our own looms.

Persona en una pradera cubriendose con una manta teixidors de diseño en lana merina color blanca


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Habitacion con tejidos naturales de Teixidors dónde podemos ver la colección Temps en cojines y manta Aran en lana merina.


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Cojines de diseño Teixidors en lana merino en color natural con perfiles en terracota y negro

Cushion Covers

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Cuatro cojines Teixidors de suelo en varios colores expuestos sobre una pradera

Floor Cushion

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Persona con poncho de Teixidors en lana merina y de cordero color natural beige


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Teixidors was founded in 1983 in Terrassa, a city long associated with Spain’s textile industry. The company captures that century-old local textile expertise and interprets it through a socially engaged, environmentally friendly approach to the craft. It was in that spirit that, driven by the desire to create job opportunities for persons with intellectual disabilities, we started the firm in the early 1980s.

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What story lies behind a blanket, a pillow or a merino wool scarf? How many lives have they lived before reaching us? Although not always acknowledged, each item has an untold but enthralling story, a fascinating and richly detailed journey that begins with shearing and runs through to final finish. At Teixidors, every stage of the process forms part of our DNA and contributes to our products’ unique aura.

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Iconic Products

Throw Croquis 40A


100% merino wool

Cojines lana merino colección Sisteron con perfiles en tinte vegetal. Sisteron collection handwoven in merino wool with artisanal vegetal dyed edges

SISTERON Cushion Cover


100% ecological merino wool

JAZZ shawl in exquisite italian cashmere handwoven in Barcelona | La colección de chales Jazz de exquisito cashmere italiano tejidos en telar manual en Barcelona.

Jazz Maxi Scarf


100% cashmere shawl

Manta lana merino artesanal local THOR perfiles tinte vegetal | Bedspread Thor a local traceable merino wool

THOR Blanket


100% merino wool from Extremadura


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